1972年成立于英國倫敦,猛牌一直秉承的使命是讓音頻變得人性化。從款揚聲器標志性的 MA1開始,品牌一直在技術開發、創新、設計和改進上,采用開創性的方法,設計專利一個接一個的獲得。這是一種深入在骨子里的精神。事實上,Monitor Audio 英國猛牌是當今仍在開發新的技術的極少數高端音頻品牌之一。猛牌集團旗下擁有Monitor Audio猛牌、Roksan樂圣、Blok伯樂等品牌。
About Monitor Audio
Founded in 1972, Monitor Audio's mission is to make audio human. From the very first speaker, the iconic MA1, the brand developed, innovated, designed, and refined, with a pioneering approach that saw patent after patent filed. It’s an ethos that hasn’t changed at all. In fact, Monitor Audio is one of very few high-end audio brands still developing new, cutting-edge technologies today.
Monitor Audio Group is the parent company of Monitor Audio, Roksan and Blok.